Thursday, August 12, 2004

Started at my internship today, so I'm going to plug Theatre Row, the off-Broadway playhouse where I'm semi-employed. It's a pretty sweet job: I'm working with some cool people, doing web updates, it's air-conditioned, the bathrooms are clean, and sometimes Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz drop by (really). There's just one tiny, tiny problem that I can't believe no one else notices — there's not a single window in the entire freaking building!!! Good for a mole person, not so good for me. Now, I've literally gone for three days without leaving my seven-by-nine foot dorm room. I've spent a week without stepping a foot outside my house. But I honestly don't know how long I can go working in a what's pretty much a concrete block with high-speed internet access.

Now, as the intern, I had the official Intern Travelling Workspace, which I guess I carried over from Sparknotes. First, they put me down in the basement, in a little security office by the studio door, complete with clip-on mini-fan, three intercoms, and a Glamour magazine for down-time reading. I'm in a glass case, and I keep on forgetting that people outside can see and hear me inside my terrarium. Every now and then, a brilliant thought would escape my lips, and I'm sure the other people in the hallway thought I was crazy. First impressions.