Thursday, September 23, 2004

My parents' anniversary is this Saturday, and despite my usual inclination to forget these sorts of occassions, I went to the Hallmark store to buy a pre-packaged congratulatory note. Every time I go shopping at Hallmark — usually around Christmastime — I run into the same bind, namely that I can never find the impersonal corporatized greeting to sincerely express my deep personal sentiments. All the cards are mushy and saccharine — and rhyming — "After all the things that we've been through/I'm still madly in love with you." It's a tear-jerker.

But this year, I found the perfect card for my parents' anniversary, one that says, "I'm usually too busy to care about you, but here's an anniversary card." And says it gracefully.

Through the year so many
caring thoughts go unexpressed—
the daily rush
gets in the way somehow—
But both of you are always loved
and wished the very best...
and what better time
to tell you than now.

Okay, it still rhymes. (I didn't quite read the whole card at the store, so it took me by surprise right now.)