Sunday, September 19, 2004

I've taken up playing imaginary poker on the internet. I'm loving for poker for many reasons, not the least of which is that I get to say things that sound dirty but aren't. Example: Good laydown! And: I flopped a pair of queens! I like saying "flop." Flop flop flop flop flop.

No, what I really enjoy is the mathematics behind the game, which probably bores everyone else to tears. I feel like those whiny storm chasers from that movie Twister: Everyone else is just in it for the money; I'm in it for the science. I get off on considering the expectation value of a certain play or calculating my odds of winning the hand.... Of course, since I've been groomed to hasty and careless in math, I usually get the answer wrong and lose ignominously, but that's gambling for you.