Wednesday, November 3, 2004

America is FUCKED

I don't think I'm alone with the above sentiments. So glad that redneck hillbillies in the south and midwest are deciding policy for those of us here in New York, where we've actually got real national security issues, as if the terrorists are gonna bomb Cleveland or Tampa of all places. What is this, payback for the Civil War? Fucking cracker hicks.

Not that John Kerry ran any sort of Clintonesque stupendous campaign, either. He was, and dear God it nauseates me, optimistic. No! No! No, asshole! Capitalize on the Democrats rage, you fucking moron! I wanted Kerry to say what I thought about our commander-in-chimp: that he's got the brains of a box of rocks, that he hates freedom more than Saddam, that he goes down on the Saudi crown prince on the first full moon of every month, that he let 9/11 happen, that he'd sell your children to Halliburton if it would get him an extra vote. But instead, Kerry (and Edwards, what a little douche) didn't say any of that. They talked about hope. Well, where's your hope now?

I mean, what has Dubya actually done for anybody in this person who isn't a Halliburton executive or a born-again mental case? He didn't want to help the 9/11 Commission protect us cause he might look — uh — incompetent; he raised taxes on everybody except the most decadent Americans; he let criminals like the Enron execs shit on the stock market, on pension plans, and on investments; people are coming home from Iraq missing arms, legs, and heads cause he didn't have an exit strategy; he censors the press and free speech.... I could go on for, well, for four years, to be precise.

Part of me is actually happy, since the red states are getting the lying, cheating, stealing, blaspheming hypocrite they deserve. But a larger part of me isn't looking forward to America getting ass-raped by our leaders for another four years.

Anybody know how I can secede?